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eBook & Whitepapers
Risk management resources.
There is no greater way to gain knowledge than by “doing”. Among our elite team of experts is a well of information and insights that is too valuable not to share – so we did just that.
Welcome to our eBooks & White Papers page, where you can access content that risk managers and senior management have greatly appreciated – from best practices to risk reduction tips that will give you strategic insights you need to elevate risk management in your organization. This is great information from true industry leaders – right at your fingertips.
Insurance Premiums are Killing my Business!
This eBook was written to help small-to-mid-sized businesses better understand and formalize their organization’s risk management processes and procedures. Every business is already managing risk, as best practices evolve over time to ensure incidents don’t happen. Once you realize this, formalizing your organization’s risk becomes natural.
Business Continuity Planning: Three Risks, One Solution.
Managing the three risks described, this whitepaper proposes the business continuity planning solution. Revenue losses, intangible losses, and additional expenses are common risks threatening organizations. Avoid these risks by implementing the business continuity plan.
Top 10 Risk Management Tips for Retailers.
In the retail industry, risk managers deal with added complexities of consumer-related risks adding yet another dimension to an organization’s risk portfolio. Retailers can follow these 10 steps to compile an overall risk management plan.
12 Best Practices for Mitigating Product Liability Risk.
In order to mitigate product liability risk, organizations must be aware of all the potential issues they face. This whitepaper will help you identify and tackle these risks in order to mitigate them with data and trend analysis.
The Risk Management Process.
There are five steps in the risk management process. What are they, how can they help you, and what specific procedures are necessary to move towards a full risk management plan?
The ROI of a Risk and Claims System: A Business Case.
If you have a moderate to high frequency of incidents and claims, you need a Claims and Risk System (CRS). But, at what cost? What's your return on investment and payback period? What makes a CRS right for your business?
25 Ways To Improve Your Risk Management.
Good risk management is composed of formalized procedures, policies, and actions. These elements all work together to build an organization that is better able to react to change and unanticipated events. Read 25 simple tips that will allow you to improve your risk management strategies today.
Occupier’s Liability: An Overview of Responsibilities.
Every business that owns, rents, or is otherwise responsible for property owes a duty of care to every person that enters those premises. Being found negligent as an occupier can have extensive repercussions on a business. Are you taking the necessary precautions to protect your organization from these damages?
Slips, Trips, and Falls: Three Steps to Reduce Claims Cost.
Slips, trips, and falls are a common cause of liability claims affecting organizations, especially retailers. These occurrences can range from minor incidents to major claims that can involve multi-million-dollar lawsuits. Are you taking any precautions to reduce the frequency and severity of these events?
How To Build An Ethics Reporting Program.
According to a recent PWC study, more than one in three businesses (36%) or companies were the victim of economic crime in the last year. Are you confident that an employee would blow the whistle in your organization?
Using Risk Management to Open Doors, Win, and Retain Business!.
Most insurance brokers only offer clients one form of risk management: the transfer of risk through an insurance policy. However, your clients see you as their trusted risk advisor. How can you offer them the risk management expertise that they need, and how will this benefit your brokerage business?
Top 10 Ways to Use Risk Management to Increase Brokerage Revenue.
Using simple risk management tactics is a powerful way for brokerages to win business and improve profitability. Learn more about the opportunities you should be taking advantage of.
Making the data matter.
ClearRisk’s Risk Management Solutions are designed with the business goals of risk managers and senior management in mind. Used by many organizations from different industries for risk data management, analytics, and insights, our solutions have proven time and again to enhance overall business performance through operational excellence.