At ClearRisk, we're proud to publish new and valuable content to our risk management community weekly. This week, we thought we'd take the opportunity to recognize some other blogs that are doing a fantastic job of sharing risk information. Here are the top eight risk management blogs to follow, whether you've been in the industry for years or are just starting out. 

1. Risk Management Monitor

The Risk Management Monitor is the official blog of Risk Management Magazine, run by the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS). They post several times a week about timely issues, such as natural disasters or crises in the news, as well as featuring suggestions, reports, and interviews that are relevant to the risk community.

     Risk Management Monitor Logo


If you’re looking for the latest news on environmental shifts that could present risks to your organization, is the site for you! Posts are updated several times a day and allow the reader to easily skim multiple headlines and determine what’s most relevant to them. logo

3. Paladin Risk Management 

This blog is written by Rod Farrar, an army officer turned risk manager who teaches risk management courses. His risk tips and analysis of examples of ineffective risk management are very thorough.

     Paladin Risk Management Services logo

4. Risk Management Guru

RM Guru’s goal is to share risk management information with others, from experienced professionals to students. Articles are about governance, risk culture, regulation, and more, mostly geared towards the financial services industry.

      Risk Management Guru Logo

5. ERM Insights by Carol

Carol began working as a risk manager in a large insurance company in mid-2010, when they implemented an ERM framework. She became so passionate about the concept that she began her own consulting firm in 2016 and now creates blogs and other free resources to help organizations begin and consistently apply enterprise risk management.

 ERM Insights by Carol logo

6. Ins Blogs

The official blog of Canadian Underwriter, with articles written by experts in the industry. Popular topics include innovations in the insurance industry, business risk management, and how to manage new risks and issues that are coming to light.

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7. Norman Marks on Governance, Risk Management, and Audit

Norman worked in the risk management industry for years; now that he's retired, he runs this blog as well as speaking at events and mentoring. The blog is regularly updated with posts about risk management basics and current trends. 

Norman Marks banner

8. Lowers & Associates

Lowers provides risk management services such as consulting, audits, and training. They present statistics and news that may impact risk managers and helpful how-to guides. 

Lowers and Associates logo

We hope this list will help you find the risk information you're looking for and more. To stay on top of current trends and useful ideas, subscribe to the ClearRisk blog today!