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Designed by our experts to offer practical tips and techniques to elevate risk management and its influence on an organization’s performance; this is good stuff. And because we all know that data is the new gold, you’ll find plenty of insight into capturing and leveraging risk data to your organization’s advantage.

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Supply Chain Risk Management: Balancing Flexibility and Vulnerability

Supply chain management is largely about interconnectedness.

When planning for and managing the sourcing, procurement, conversion and logistics related to your product offering, companies need to create the right relationships with the right companies. This will help to optimize the movement and storage of materials and inventory while at the same time preparing for disruptions.

Striking the right balance is not easy.

The Manufacturing Supply Chain: Top 10 Risks to Consider

The risks that impact the supply chain of manufacturers are continuously growing and changing. The supply chain is vulnerable to countless risks such as supplier relationships, manufacturing processes, shipment of finished products, and more. When conducting a risk management plan for your business, there are many major risk factors that are completely out of your control.

4 Ways to Manage Supply Chain Risks

85% of surveyed global chains experienced at least one supply chain disruption risk in 2017. Deloitte has shown that organizations who proactively manage supply chain risk spend 50% less to manage disruptions.

As always, proactive risk management is more cost efficient than reactive action. An efficient supply chain is essential for the production of quality products and effective customer service.

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