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There are many blogs out there, so what makes ours so special? Quite simply, if you want to deepen your understanding of risk management, every article herein will be worth your attention.

Designed by our experts to offer practical tips and techniques to elevate risk management and its influence on an organization’s performance; this is good stuff. And because we all know that data is the new gold, you’ll find plenty of insight into capturing and leveraging risk data to your organization’s advantage.

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8 Best Practices for Managing Cyber Risk

There are three primary reasons all risk professionals should actively manage cyber risk: to comply with regulations, its frequency, and its severity. But what can be done about this problem?

In a study by Accenture Insurance, only 43% of executives believed that their organization’s cyber defence was fully functional. Cyber risk is a difficult threat to manage as technology is constantly changing and there isn’t one clear-cut solution. This list of strategies can be used individually or in tandem to reduce an organization’s cyber risk.

Interview with Retail Risk Expert, Joe Hardy

On our recent webinar, “Risk Management Best Practices for Retail”, we sat down with Joe Hardy, a veteran of risk management in retail, to get his thoughts on where the industry is going. As always, Joe’s answers were extremely valuable and we decided to compile the interview portion of the webinar into a blog post. 

3 Important Factors to Consider When Tracking Near Miss Incidents

Does your organization have a process and program enabled to report on near misses easily? Are corrective actions being implemented to lower the frequency and severity of future occurrences? Are employees risk sensitive?

A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury or damage - but had the potential to do so. When only reporting claims and omitting near misses, your organization is not getting the full picture of potential hazards.

The One Crucial Component Risk Managers Need to Know

This is a guest post written by Carol Williams, founder and principal consultant of ERM Insights by Carol. Carol helps mid-sized organizations prioritize resources to focus on the biggest threats and opportunities. Grab her free ebook on how enterprise risk management is different from traditional risk management.

All successful endeavours that stand the test of time look at the big picture. History is replete with examples. If Henry Ford did not think about the big picture of mobility and production, would the iconic brand still be around today?

The same principle is true for initiatives within an organization – if you do not consider the big picture of how it will deliver value and achieve long-term goals, the effort has a higher risk of stagnation and even failure.

Insurance Is a Commodity! …Or Is It?

Often a topic for debate, the issue of insurance as a commodity sparked a great discussion on LinkedIn. I’d like to hear what you have to say in our comments section below.

A commodity is defined as a good that is the same no matter who supplies it, and can be differentiated based on price.

Is it true that all insurance is the same aside from price? How do most companies decide where to purchase their insurance?

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