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Risk Management Blog

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There are many blogs out there, so what makes ours so special? Quite simply, if you want to deepen your understanding of risk management, every article herein will be worth your attention.

Designed by our experts to offer practical tips and techniques to elevate risk management and its influence on an organization’s performance; this is good stuff. And because we all know that data is the new gold, you’ll find plenty of insight into capturing and leveraging risk data to your organization’s advantage.

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A Day in the Life of a Risk Manager - With & Without ClearRisk

One of the key advantages of having ClearRisk as your Risk and Claims Software provider is that our system is built by Risk Managers, for Risk Managers. Our team prides itself on understanding the daily challenges and needs of our customers. 

Lessons Learned from a Claims & Risk Management Software Implementation

This week we're pleased to feature a guest post from Shannon Devane. Shannon is a ClearRisk user and also the Risk Manager at the City of Vaughn, Ontario. 

Full disclosure – I am not an Information Technology Specialist nor a Business Analyst. In fact, I’m a Risk Manager ‘moonlighting’ in software implementation and development. My background involves various areas of insurance, risk, and claims, primarily in the Public Sector. Throughout my career, I have been involved in several large software purchases and designs. From a large, multi-organization project to one catered to a specific group of clients with a single municipal implementation on the side, I have come away from each project feeling more confident and knowledgeable.

How to Gain Support for a New RMIS

Implementing a change is difficult in any kind of organization. You must handle employee resistance, convince top management, and satisfy a number of different requirements from multiple departments. In fact, research from McKinsey and Company has shown that approximately 70% of large organizational transformations fail.

However, with effective planning and communication, you can overcome these issues. You simply have to prove the new system or process is worth it. Here are some strategies for gaining support for a new risk management system:

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