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Risk Management Blog

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There are many blogs out there, so what makes ours so special? Quite simply, if you want to deepen your understanding of risk management, every article herein will be worth your attention.

Designed by our experts to offer practical tips and techniques to elevate risk management and its influence on an organization’s performance; this is good stuff. And because we all know that data is the new gold, you’ll find plenty of insight into capturing and leveraging risk data to your organization’s advantage.

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A Day in the Life of a Risk Manager - With & Without ClearRisk

One of the key advantages of having ClearRisk as your Risk and Claims Software provider is that our system is built by Risk Managers, for Risk Managers. Our team prides itself on understanding the daily challenges and needs of our customers. 

3 Steps You Must Take TODAY to Reduce Your Software Risks

Kit Merker has been in technical and management roles for over a decade, doing everything from project management, coding, design, testing, and running a service. He currently works at Microsoft as a Developer Evangelist. Kit Merker has a blog dedicated to preparing for software disasters. Be sure to follow Kit on Twitter after reading his guest blog post below! 
These are times of economic uncertainty for many businesses, and the very idea of spending much-needed funds on something that might happen may seem like suicide. According to,  business continuity & disaster recovery is NOT a top priority for CIO's.

It's a normal human tendency to stay optimistic and believe that you are immune from disaster. We say, "that'll happen to other people, I'll hope for the best and focus on my day-to-day activities."

But, as I say probably too frequently, hope is not a strategy.
Imagine if a disaster hit and you sustained serious downtime, got hacked, or lost data your customers needed. The results would be disastrous for your reputation and could mean the end of your business. You'd be kicking yourself for not preparing.
But just like a teenager learning to drive, sometimes getting in an accident helps you learn to operate more safely. The good news is that there are practical things you can do to reduce your risks of software disaster.

8 Reasons to Implement a Fleet Loss Prevention Program

Loss control is a management priority whether a fleet is large or small. A Fleet Loss Prevention Program can decrease insurance claims and help mitigate the frequency and severity of future losses. Often the other tangible and intangible benefits of these types of programs can be overlooked, but are just as valuable to your company!

8 Reasons Your Organization Should Enable Paperless Risk Management

Are you spending too much time performing repetitive tasks or searching for documents? Tired of limits on your ability to report to your boss, help your customers, and collaborate with your coworkers? Do you think a change could decrease your organization’s losses?

A paperless system might be exactly what you need to increase profit, reduce labour, help the environment, and change the way you manage risk from reactive to proactive. Here are just some of the advantages that going paperless with ClearRisk can bring to your organization.

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